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Who Is Dr Brandt Gibson?

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Dr Gibson is "a physician, author, coach and speaker who Empowers individuals to BECOME Extraordinary by overcoming fear, clarifying who they are and BECOMING Concordant in their strengths, talents and weaknesses so they can Live An Extraordinary Life."

Dr Gibson also has the following credentials:

  • ​Husband: Married to an amazing women for over 30 years, Dr Gibson and Shirley have learned to make their relationship a Masterpiece in their lives.
  • ​Father: As father to 11 children (16 with those married in) and grandfather to 4 (so far), Dr Gibson has made it his mission to raise Successful Children!
  • ​Influence Incubator: As a Certified Funnel Builder and coach, Dr Gibson empowers individuals to Clarify Their Message, Build Their Tribe and Expand Their Impact.
  • Physician: As a physician for almost 25 years, Dr Gibson can empower individuals to improve their health whether peripheral neuropathy, foot related issues like plantar fasciitis and ingrown toenails, or even general health such as how to eat a healthy diet.
  • Author: As a fantasy/fiction author, Dr Gibson can empower individuals (especially youth) to BECOME Extraordinary (and recognize that they are) through his engaging stories and lessons. He has also helped many individuals learn to write their own book!
  • Publisher: As an author, Dr Gibson also learned the intricacies of publishing from an experienced mentor.  As such when the opportunity presented itself he opened a publishing house to help others get their books published!
  • Youth Coach: Having worked with youth and young adults for more than 25 years, Dr Gibson has a special love for youth and regularly empowers them to not settle for Normal, Average or Ordinary, but instead Be Extraordinary
  • Peak Performance Coach: Whether it is the principles taught in the best-selling book Unhackable or the training he has received from Flow Research Collective, Dr Gibson is an expert at the science of peak performance and empowering individuals to access flow at least daily.
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Dr Gibson is "a physician, author, coach and speaker who empowers individuals to BECOME Extraordinary by overcoming fear, clarifying who they are and BECOMING Concordant in their strengths, talents and weaknesses so you can Live An Extraordinary Life."

Dr Gibson also has the following credentials:

  • ​Husband: Married to an amazing women for 29 years, Dr Gibson and Shirley have learned to make their relationship a Masterpiece in their lives.
  • ​Father: As father to 11 children (15 with those married in) and grandfather to 1 (so far), Dr Gibson has made it his mission to raise Successful Children!
  • ​Influence Incubator: As a Funnel Builder and coach, Dr Gibson empowers individuals to Clarify Their Message, Build Their Tribe and Expand Their Impact.
  • Physician: As a physician for over 20 years, Dr Gibson can empower individuals to improve their health whether peripheral neuropathy, foot related issues like plantar fasciitis and ingrown toenails, or even general health such as how to eat.
  • Author: As a fantasy/fiction author, Dr Gibson can empower individuals (especially youth) to BECOME Extraordinary (and recognize that they are) through his engaging stories and lessons. He has also helped many individuals learn to write their own book!
  • Youth Coach: Having worked with youth and young adults for more than 25 years, Dr Gibson has a special love for youth and regularly empowers them to not settle for Normal, Average or Ordinary, but instead Be Extraordinary
  • Peak Performance Coach: Whether it is the principles taught in the best-selling book Unhackable or the training he has received from Flow Research Collective, Dr Gibson is an expert at the science of peak performance and empowering individuals access flow at least daily.

Featured In:

  • ​Author Academy Awards: First Prize Winner for Fantasy 2019
  • ​Certified Author Academy Elite Member
  • ​Certified Igniting Souls Member
  • Certified Business Academy Elite Member
  • As seen on KUTV Channel 2
  • As heard on KSL
  • As seen in The Daily Herald
  • As seen in Meridian Magazine
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  • ​CHOOSE EXTRAORDINARY HAPPINESS: We recognize that happiness is a choice and we choose to find ways to be happy, truly happy down to our very core.  We choose to NOT give others power over our joy and happiness...nobody should have that much power!
  • ​BUILD EXTRAORDINARY HEALTH: To truly enjoy an extraordinary life, health is a necessity. We work daily to build the habits and patterns that produce life-long health so we can enjoy our hobbies, our friends, our families and even have new experiences throughout our lives. Remember with health you are never too old!
  • ​OPTIMIZE EXTRAORDINARY PERFORMANCE: We regularly access Peak Performance in everything you do, so we can accomplish more and enjoy more. Not only do we accomplish more, but even time spent with loved ones is more valuable and fulfilling!
  • DESIGN EXTRAORDINARY RELATIONSHIPS: One of our CORE needs is to be loved. We take control of every relationship in our life and optimize the relationships that build and strengthen us and limit the relationships that degrade, or limit us.  
  • DISCOVER EXTRAORDINARY LIFE: Finally, we discover each piece that makes our life truly extraordinary so we can do more of the good and less of the bad. But more importantly we learn to find the extraordinary in everything happening around us.  This vision opens doors that we once thought were closed!

Our Mission

"We empower individuals to BE EXTRAORDINARY by BECOMING CONCORDANT in their strengths, talents and weaknesses and UNHACKABLE in their daily choices so they can Reach Their Goals, Live Their Dream and Enjoy An Extraordinary Life"


"The truth is, you were born EXTRAORDINARY...You have just forgotten! 

You were never meant to be normal, average or ordinary.

It's time to

Dr Brandt Gibson     
Physician, Author, Coach & Speaker     


Sharing the insights and learning Dr Brandt & Shirley Gibson have had over the years of raising 11 children, including what they have learned from their mistakes.

With over 30 years of marriage and having raised 11 children, Dr Brandt Gibson & Shirley Gibson have learned some secrets to marriage, now called The Marriage Masterpiece Formula!

What Others Are Saying...


"I have seen him in multiple settings teach, inspire, guide, and coach them how to be leaders."

- R. Kendall Lyman, Business Consultant and Author of Change the Way You Change!


"Dr. Gibson...helped me become a stronger person, and helped me be able to better handle tough situations that may arise."

- Julia LeSueur, Former Office Manager at Mountain West Foot & Ankle Institute


"My whole outlook on life is so much better!"

- Tracie, Mother and Wife who got her life back by improving her health


"I highly encourage you to book with [Dr Brandt] today and learn how he can help you and your team reach new levels."

- Kary Oberbrunner, Publisher, Coach  and Best Selling Author of Unhackable.


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Take The Extraordinary Life Assessment Today...

And Learn How To Live An Extraordinary Life!



  • ​Your "B.E.S.T." Analysis
  • ​Challenge
  • ​Summit
  • ​Lead Magnet
  • ​Be Extraordinary
  • ​Influence Incubator
  • ​Neuropathy Bootcamp
  • ​James and The Band of Fire
  • ​James and the Armor of Solomon
  • ​Peripheral Neuropathy UNMASKED
  • ​Plantar Fasciitis UNMASKED
  • ​Ingrown Toenails UNMASKED
  • ​Summit or Challenge
  • ​MarketingHub/FunnelHub
  • ​Funnel Build
  • ​Transfer Funnel (1.0 -> 2.0)


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